My Heroic Life

About Me

My name is Matt and I want to tell you a bit about my journey.

I’ve always known that I wanted to do something special with my life, and I’ve always wanted to connect with people and help them feel strong and empowered. But the truth is, I struggled a lot growing up.

Like a lot of children my age, I was bullied physically and emotionally for my looks, my personality, and my values. I never seemed to fit in or connect to people in a way that made sense or felt authentic.

Having gone through that as kid, I still faced similar issues as an adult. I was always looking for ways to fit in. I looked for heroes in my life who would save me. I looked to friends, romantic relationships, therapists, mentors and gurus. I tried everything I could to find the secret to being happy, but I often felt like I was spinning my wheels. I spent so much of my life depressed and anxious, never truly living a satisfying life that I wanted.

After many painful years I eventually realized that I couldn’t rely on others to find that happiness or confidence. I had to take a deep look inside myself and start holding myself accountable. I wanted to commit to making a real change.

I would always feel overwhelmed by my larger goals, so I started developing small habits that seemed ineffective at the time. But those small changes created a foundation. I started slowly rebuilding myself, brick by brick, one day at a time. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually I began to change.

The truth is, change didn’t happen overnight. Becoming a hero to myself wasn’t always a grand and epic adventure. There were plenty of sacrifices I had to make along the way. I dedicated myself to change and eliminated distractions and relationships that were holding me down. I made a commitment to finding that hero.

Since then, I’ve felt a desire to help people who have felt their own sense of inadequacy. Whether through bullying, emotional or physical trauma, I have always felt a strong desire to lift up those who feel the same internal struggle that I did.

For the majority of my life I have also loved superheroes. I realized that there were so many moments in movies, shows, and comic-books where a hero faced insurmountable odds, or painful losses.

I realized that my journey with mental health was similar. And that my depression was an obstacle that I could one day overcome. I realized, that if I could do this, others could too. But to do so, it would require time, dedication and action.

My Heroic Life isn’t just a saying or a catchy phrase; it’s a call to action. It is an opportunity for each of us to live better, fulfilling and empowering lives. It is a choice that we make every single day to do the right thing. It’s an opportunity to lift ourselves and each other up and to stand strong in the face of adversity.

My hope is that you will come here to find inspiration and take control of your life. A place that encourages you to find your inner passions, and to become the hero you were always meant to be. I hope that through my podcast, you will find that inspiration and discover that YOU alone have the responsibility to change your life, and that nobody else can give you that power.

I have complete faith in you. And I am glad you are here. Let’s begin our heroic journey together. One step at a time.


About the Host

Matt EdwardsProfile Photo

Matt Edwards


Hi, my name is Matt, and welcome! I’ve always had a love and passion for superheroes. Years ago, I was inspired by a friend of mine who told me how much he wanted to be just like his favorite superhero. He didn’t necessarily want heroic powers, but he was inspired by this heroes’ actions and wanted to live like just him.

This website is dedicated to the concept that within all of us lies a hero. I was so inspired by my friend and realized that I too, looked up to heroes like Superman and Captain America. I wanted to live a fuller, inspiring and heroic life just like them.

I came up with my own superhero initiative: My Heroic Life. A podcast dedicated to helping others discover their inner hero. I struggled with a lot of ups and downs in my life, and I’m grateful to finally make this project a reality.